The Public Ledger from Maysville, Kentucky (2024)

00 0 0 0 0 000 00 000 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 of all in Leavening U. S. Gov't Report. Royal Baking ABSOLUTELY PURE BOX Editor of THE LEDGER is not responsible for opinions expressed by Correspondents: but nothing reflecting upon the character of any person will be admitted to these pa Correspondents will please send Letters 80 as to reach us not later than 9 o'clock a.m. Give facts in as few words as possible.

We want news in this department, and not advertising notices or political arguments. OUR AGENTS. The following are authorized Agents for THE PUBLIC LEDGER in their (ties: Minerva -Frank W. Hawes. Sardia-B.

G. Grigsby. Springdale -C. C. Degman.

Mayslick-W. J. Jackson. Jennie Stewart. Mt.

Carmel--Kelly Foxworthy. Augusta -Leander Tully. Peed Joseph W. Williams. Bluelick Springs- Hunter.

Dover- Thad. F. Moore. Mt. Gilead -Jacob Thomas.

Subscribers will save the trouble of writing by paying their subscriptions to the Agent at their place KENNEDY'S CREEK CULLINGS. Doings in That Romantic Region of Mason County's Picturesque Domain. Mrs. Nettie Cobb is on the sick list. Miss Dora Edgington of Augusta spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs.

Annie Marshall. Miss Edna Meenach, who has been visiting relatives for some time at Rural, returned home this week. Andrew Clark, engineer at the Maysville Brick Company, is laid off this week ca account of the mumps. Misses Maggie and Nannie Lawwill, who have been visiting relatives here for several days, returned home Monday. After a week or more of heavy blasting with dynamite the public well at the schoolhouse has been drilled.

While it has been an sore to some it is appreciated by others. The work been going steadily on all along without the assistance of a bodyguard. Under the head of "A Nuisance' in your columns one day this week, regarding the icecream supper held at F. M. Edgington's one day last week, we must say that justice was not done Mr.

E. in that article, for he was imposed on by the boys. He had no idea they would come there filled up with corn juice. As to there being beer on the grounds, that is a false statement, but unlike Wallingford and Bramble concerning their hops, he does not wish to repeat it again. As to Editor Davis putting a stop to it, we have no doubt but what he is opposed to all lawlessness, and would advocate such principles, but he bad no power in this case.

In conclusion we must say that we feel sorry for our friends that the rudiments of learning as taught to them in early life would cause them at this late day-. an age of science and learning- -to butcher up the English language they have done. A telegram received last night nounced the death at Danville yesterday of Mr. George Easthem. The funeral will occur at 10 o'clock tomorrow morn ing.

Since 1878 there have been pine epidemics of dysentery in different parts of the country in which Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy was used with perfect success. Dysentery, when epidemic, is almost as severe and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. Heretofore the best efforts of most skilled physicians have failed to check its ravages, this remedy, however, has cured the most malignant cases, both of children and adults, and under the most trying conditions, which proves it to be the best medicine in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by J. Jas.

Wood, Druggist. A Handsome Book For a Two-Cent Stamp--New Publication by the D. and C. Line. To those who contemplate taking summer outing we will mail for two cents postage our illustrated pamphlet, which contains a large number of fine vings of every summer resort between Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit and picturesque Mackinac.

It has many artistic halftones of points of interest of the Upper Lake Region. Information regarding both short and extended tours, costs of transportation and hotel fare, etc. Address A. A. SCHANTZ, G.

P. Detroit, Mich. YOU'LL FIND IT HERE SUMMARY OF LOCAL OF THE PAST WEEK. MONDAY. Much damage done in city and county by heavy wind and rain storm Saturday afternoon.

Bridges on several pikes washed away and growing crops D. Ray qualified as guardian of John James Smith qualified as Administrator of Jane of personalty of late Jane Clarkson shows valuation of 8600. Dr. S. M.

Cartmell, oldest physician of city, died at age of 79.... A. S. Pratt died at Rock Enon Springs, Mr.James M.Stevenson and Miss Adra F. Wells of Murphysville marry at Dr.

H. K. Adamson qualifled aS Administrator of Frank P. Boughner. WEDNESDAY.

S. G. Hord died near Wedonia aged 64. Funeral Thursday, interment at Dobyns Burying-ground, Mrs. Felicite Pogue, widow of the Frank Pogue, died at lick, aged 63....

Funeral of Dr. S. M. Cartmell took place at 10 o'clock Thursday morning at residence. THURSDAY.

Frank Breeze of Fleming married Melissa Phillips of Dr. M. H. Davis of Mayslick seized with profuse child of Mr. and Mre.

Walter Knight of Wedonia Will B. Thomas elected Assistant Treasurer of Danville Gas Compang John L. Grant ill at his home on Limestone. FRIDAY. J.

K. Edgington, son of Peter Edgington, died at the age of 36 W. Fitzgerald sold a house and lot on Lexington street to Charles B. Pearce, tor $1,500.... Joseph Larkin bought a house and lot in Washington for 8400.

Hon. Robert Buckler, who was chosen Elector for this District by the Congressional Convention, being County Attortorney of Robertson, is ineligible for Elector. He has, therefore, forwarded his resignation to the State Committee, but offers his services during the paign. INSURE IN ALWAYS THE OLD Phonix! of Hartford, Conn. "Time Tried and Fire Tested." Quick adjustments and prompt pay.

W. N. HOWE, Agent. Office-No. 37 West Third street.

Notice! All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Smith, deceased, will present them at once, properly sworn to and proven; and all persons knowing themselves to be indented to said estate will please call and settle. WM. WORMALD, A. M. J.

COCHRAN, August 3d, 1896. Executors. Ripley (O.) FAIR Large Premiums and Great Attractions. The Ripley (0.) Fair for 1896 will be held August 25th, 26th, 27th and 28tn. Premiums paid in gold before the stock leaves the ring.

Bring your horses and get the gold -it will be ready for you. Excursion rates on the C. and O. Railroad and on steamboats. Prof.

Davison, the World's Champion High Wire and Rope Walker, will be present and perform some of his daring feats. The noted cornetist, Miss Annabelle B. Bundy, will also be one of the attractions, and will render some splendid solos to enliven the occasion. Admission, only 25 cente; children, 8 to 12 years, 15 cents. Teams admitted free.

For premium list, privileges or other information write to or call on the Secretary. G. F. YOUNG, President. L.


CUMMINGS, PORTER CUMMINGS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 17. East Second 3treet, May- ville, K9 Rooms Open at all Hours. KENTUCKY NEWS. The Latest News From All Parts of the Commonwealth.

THEY WERE MURDERED. The Terrible Crime of Four Colored Men Revealed by a Confession. HARRODSBURG, Aug. dead bodies of Joseph Hopper and his 16-year-old niece, of Laurel county, were found horribly mangled on the track of the Louisville Southern at Vanarsdell, ten miles north of this place, early in the morning of June 18. At the inquest that day the jury rendered a verdict of suicide, and the mangled and mutilated bodies were buried at Salvisa.

A Negro has confessed that both Hopper and Miss Lottie Johnson were murdered for their money. He suys he and four other young Negroes were playing craps near the railroad, when the man and woman passed, walking on the ties. He says that the other four shot the couple with pistols; that they procured but little money, and then dragged the lifeless forms of their victims 200 yards left them on the track in a curve of the road; that he did his best to prevent the awful crime, but could not, and that they threatened to kill him if he ever said a word about it. He said he was innocent of the crime, but guilty of keeping the awful secret, and his conscience forced him to divulge. He confessed Friday to one of his neighbors, Jesse Cosby, 3, reputable white man, who notified the county officials.

County Attorney C. A. Hardin and Sheriff Frank P. James and his deputy, W. D.

James, left here late Friday afternoon for Salvisa to see the confessor and secure the names of the murderers who will be arrested. It is said that the man, in his confession, implicates three colored men who live in this city, but the chief of police refuses to their names. He intimates that will be arrested when gives the sheriff returns. Chief of Police Smith lodged Phil Gill, colored, in jail at 10 o'clock Friday night. He is suspected of being implicated in the murder of Hopper and his niece.

He stoutly denies knowing anything of the murder. Additions to the Maseam. FRANKFORT, Aug. additional interest is given to the state's big museum adjoining the office of the inspector of mines and curator of geological survey. The old flags that have so long reposed in the state house corridor are being transferred to large and more suitable glass cases in the museum, where they will be conveniently arranged by Miss Guy, the librarian, and Prof.

Norwood, inspector of mines and curator. Railway Men Crushed to Death. OWENSBORO, Aug. 8. -James Green, bridge carpenter on the O.

and N. railroad, and John Ford, laborer, were killed at Petit's, a station five miles from this city. They were engaged in building a trestle for a water tank, when the trestle fell, crushing them to death, Ford's body being cut in two. They were brought to Owensboro, an inquest held. and their mains conveyed to Russellville, their home.

Compromise May Be Reached. FRANKFORT, Aug. T. E. Edelen, attorney for the Mason Foard and Attorney General Taylor held a lengthy conference over the claims of the state against the company and vice versa.

The object of the conference was the settlement. if possible, of the company's counts without further law suits. is believed that the desired end will be reached. Death of Chas. W.

Lester. RICHMOND, Aug. W. Lester, aged 74, who, with Rev. John G.

Fee and Prof. J. A. R. Rogers, founded Berea college, donating a great part of the land which that noted institution is built on, died Friday morning at his home in Berea, this county.

Female Mail Carrier. LEWISBURG, Aug. has a female mail carrier in Edley Minton, a young married lady, 20 years old. She has the contract for carrying the mail from Castelon to Andersonville, eight miles, and carries the pouch herself. Lexingtonians to Go to Brazil.

LEXINGTON, Aug. 8-W. E. Can and Janius Wigginston, two Lexington young men, have perfected arrangements to go to Brazil, where Mr. Can owns extensive lands.

It is their purpose to raise coffee, bananas and sugar cane. That Tobacco Warehouse. LEXINGTON, Aug. effort will be made on August 13 to perfect the organization of the Central Kentucky Tobacco Warehouse association, for the purpose of establishing tobacco warehouses in Lexington. Maniac Mother's Deed.

BENNETTS MILLS, Aug. Hare, of this place, beat her twoyear-old babe to death and threw the body in the bushes back of her house. She told her husband she had to kill it. Barn Destroyed by Fire. SHARPSBURG, Aug.

large barn of James Ware, near town, was destroyed by fire. The loss is $2,500, with no insurance. It is believed to have been work of an incendiary. Two Persons Injured. MT.

STERLING, Aug. terrific storm occurred Friday afternoon. Crops were badly damaged. Lightning struck a colored woman and child, seriously injuring them. Captured and Jailed.

FLEMINGSBURG, Aug. McKee, who killed Jerry Roby at Sherbourne last Saturday, was captured in Maysville Friday and brought here and lodged in jail. Farmer Adjudged Insane. Aug. 8.

-Walter Strode, aged 63, a farmer near Mt. Gilend, was adjudged insane here Friday afterncon and ordered sent to the asylum. TRAIN WRECKED On the Chicago and Rock Island Road Near Des Moines. Officials Decline to Give Information, But Several Lives Reported Lost. Seven Victims Identified-Fourteen Cars Were Derailed and the Engine Wrecked -Four Cars Sheep, One of Hogs and Three of Meat in the Train.

DES MOINES, Aug. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railway freight train was wrecked at 7 o'clock Thursday night at Leighton, 50 miles east of this city. Reports received here early Friday morning say 20 lives were lost, but the railway officials decline to give out information. It is known, however, that the following are among the dead: Ed Geary, Robert Geary, Wm. Shea, Kuehner, brother of Harry Kuehner a federal employe of this city; Thomas Leyden, ex-member Des Moines fire department; Wm.

Smith, son of ex-Alderman Simon Smith, of this city. It is now believed only seven were killed. The five men were employes of the Liverpool-Des Moines Packing Co. of this city. Leighton is a village in Mahaska county and has a population of 145.

The train, an extra freight east, running at full speed when an axle broke ditching the train. In the wreck are four cars of sheep, one of hogs and three of meat. The way car containing the conductor and brakeman was thrown on top of the wreck. CHICAGO, Aug. 8-At the headquarters of the Rock Island road in Chicago the report of the wreck was confirmed, but it was denied that the loss of life had been so large as reported, the sistant general manager placing the number at three.

According to him, a freight train on the Keokuk DesMoines branch was wrecked near Leighton. Fourteen cars were derailed and the engine wrecked. BRYAN'S TRIP. Speech Making to Depend on the Reception Given by the Towns on the Route. LINCOLN, Aug.

will reach the Ohio state line at an early hour next Monday morning. The train on which he will travel by the sylvania line is not one of the fast expresses, and the democratic candidate will have time for stops, short talks and handshaking. The train will leave Chicago Sunday night at 11:80 o'clock and the time of arrival Monday at some of the principal points en route is as follows: Ft. Wayne, 5:25 a. a Van Wert, Middle Point, Delphos, Elida, Lima, Lafayette, Ada, Washington, Dunkirk, Forest, Kirby, Upper Sandusky, Nevada, Bucyrus, Crestline, 10:25 (stop of ten minutes); Mansfield, 11; Wooster, 12:14 p.

Orrville, Massillon, Canton, Alliance, 1:55 (stop of fire minutes); Pittsburgh, 5:10. Bryan will not now positively state just where he will speak in Ohio, and all he will say is that any addresses made next Monday will necessarily be short and informal, friendly rather than political. Much will depend on the feeling of the candidate as be passes through, and the reception accorded him by the people en route. If there is time enough he will surely speak at Ada, Crestline and Alliance, where considerable time can be had. He is urged also to talk at Canton, Massillon and Mansfield.

Bryan's closest friends advise him to reserve his voice for the great effort in Madison Square Garden, when he will respond to the formal ratification August 12. There will be an immense audience present and the opposition press will have him watched closely and criticised unmercifully. BASEBALL. The Winners Friday Were Baltimore and Washington--Cleveland and Pittsburgh Tie. Innings 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11-R CI'vland 0 2 0 0 0 0- 3 12 Pittsb'h 1 0 01 0 0 00 0- 3 9 -Cuppy and Zimmer: Killen and Merritt.

Umpire 1 2 3 4 5 6 00 9-B 0 2 1 0 3 3 0 19 1 New 0 0 0 0 0-1 7 10 Batteries -Hemming and Clarke: Meekin, Gettig and Warner. Umpire 1 2 ca 5 6 7 8 9-R Washington. 0 0 0- 4 0 1 0 0-8 9 3 Batteries -German and McGuire: Stivetts. Sullivan, Ganzel and Bergen UmpireLynch. How They Clubs.

W. L. P. C. Baltimore 60 27 .690 Cincinnati 63 29 .655 Cleveland.

57 31 .648 54 40 .574 Pittsburgh. 49 40 .551 48 40 Stand. Clubs W. La. P.C Brooklyn 41 47 .416 Philadelphia 39 49 .443 Washingt 'n 35 51 New 36 53 .404 St.

£8 61 .315 Louisville 64 .256 Western League. Indianapolis 5, Grand Rapids 4, first game: Indianapolis 5, Grand Rapids 0, second game. St Paul 7, Kansas city 10; Milwaukee 9, Minnea polis 6. The Mother Went Raving Mad. PITTSBURGH, Aug.

Allegheny Thursday the heat drove thousands of men and boys into the river. Among the bathers was George Itel, aged 13. He got beyond his depth and drowned. When the body was taken home the shock proved too much for the boy's mother who, after an attempt to poison herself went raving mad. Three Drowned in the Roanoke River.

BLUEFIELD, W. Aug. Ludwig, the 12-year-old son of Train Dispatcher Ludwig, of the Shenandoah Valley division of the N. and two companions named Berry and Poage, aged respectively 14 and 15 years, all residents of Roanoke, were drowned in the Roanoke river at that place while bathing. All the bodies were recovered.

To Remove Kate Field's Remains. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. movement is on foot in this city to raise funds with which to remove the remains of Miss Kate Field from Honolulu, where she died a few monthsago, to the family plot at Mt. Auburn. Sale! THIS WEEK.

Our entire stock of. men's Cam Shoes From $1.25 Up. PROGRESS STORE. New SHAPE, Semi- Porcelain. IT'S HANDSOME! And the Only Place You Can Purchase It is From C.

D. "THE CHINAMEN." Kentucky Training School, (1890,) been Mt. with the consolidated Sterling, has Kentucky Military Institute ary degrees and manual training. Preparatory first, the ability to do something next, scholarship 8300 a year. Exact address Jy13 2m (1845,) and both moved to elegant new quarters near Louisville, Ky.

Brick buildings, Gymnaeium, Manual Training Shop, nineteen acres of ground, finest athlette field in the state, woods, creek, bathing pool, etc. Tue safest and most attractive school in the South. All the custom- Department for younger pupils. Character third. City advantages, country safety.

Supt. FOWLER. K. M. Lyndon, Ky.


TO BE SEEN IN ALL LEADING GROCERIES. Sarah Davis, colored, bad 88 35 worth of fun, paying $5 on account and promising the balance. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce THOMAS L.

BEST aS a candidate Sheriff at the her election, 1897, subject to the action of the Democratic party. FREE ADVERTISING. No Charge! the heading advertisem*nt of Niels Lost," Pound," an ble nature, and not to exceed three lines, on this paye.are FREE to all. 20- No Business out pay. If answers fasto come the Arattame, weinvite as many repetitions as are necessary to secure what you advertisefor.

Wewish the advertisers tofeel that they are notimposing on uaby using our free columns. Advertisem*ntecan beleftat our ojice or sent throughthe mattto THE PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY, No.10 E. Third Street. WANTED. WANTED -Situations as ladies.

Nursegirl Apply and at House- corner of Willard alley and Third street, Fifth Ward.71w WANTED old, to good do general white work girl, for about a 16 family or of 17 three. No washing or ironing. Apply at No. 204 East Third street, Maysville. Aug6 1w active and capable salesman to represent us in this section of the state; preference given to an experienced man: reference required.

ALDEN VINEGAR sole proprietors of the Alden Fruit Vinegar Works, 1000 to 1022 North Main street, St. Louis, Mo. augl WANT Sewall and Free for Silver," Campaign Book authorized "Bry- by Bryan, by R. L. Metcalf, Editor Omaha World- Herald, appointed author by Bryan.

Contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only $1 50. The only authorized book. 50 per cent.

credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Begin now with choice of territory. Permanent profitable work for $96.

Address, The National Book Concern, Star Building. Chicago. jy29 1m lady wants to teach English, Latin, French, Music and Art: would go as companion. Address Box 52. Christiansburg, Va.

jyl1 1w loan on improved real estate, for guaranteed net cost of only $310, or for 10 years at 1495, and other sums in proportion. 1y A. E. COLE SON. FOR RENT.

FOR Second RENT-MI9. East Ravenscraft's Maysville. property Apply on to Mrs. DUKE WATSON. aug8 tw FOR SALE.

FOR ping SALE years -Guaranteed less: 8 per coupons cent. payable bonds, semi- runannually at First National Bank of Maysville, Ky, oct25 1y A. E. COLE SON. LOST.

OST -Monday night, between C. and O. Depot and Mathews's SEll, pair of gold-rimmed Nose Glasses. Finder will please return to thie office and receive reward. aug6 Iw OST -Between Nesbitt's Dry Goods store and Dr.

Yazell's office, a Finder will please return to this office. aug6 lw LOUIS H. OPTICIAN, No. 411 West Ninth street, Cincinnati, 0., will be at the Central Hotel, Maysville, on Thursday, Aux. 6th, returning every Arst Thursday in each Glasses adjusted to all persons of defective vision at popular prices.

U. S. Revenue Stamps Wanted -BYT. L. GREEN, Couuty Clerk, alt.

Olivet, Ky. I want to buy for cash the following U.S. Revenues, either canceled or uncanceled, at the prices annexed when stamps are sent in good condition: Each. 1 cent Express, red, 5 cents cent Express, red, part 5 cents 1 cent Playing Cards, red, imperforate.50 cents I cent Playing part perforate80 cents cent Proprietary, red, part perforate10 cents cent Telegraph, red, imperforate. ...50 cents Bank Check, blue, part perforate 5 cents 02 cent Certificate, blue, 5 cents 02 cent Certificate, Certificate, blue, orange, full full perforate.

10 cents cent perforate10 cents cent Express, blue, imperforate. 5 cents cent Express, blue, part 10 cents cent Playing Carde, blue, impertorate50 cents 2 cent Playing Cards, 10 cents cent Proprietary, blue, imperforate. 15 cents cent blue, part perforatel0 cents Proprietary, cents 3 cent Playing Card, green, impertorates? 3 Playing Card, green, full per'ate20 cents 3 cent Telegraph, green, impertorate. 10 cente cent Playing Curds, violet, perforate.50 cents cent Proprietary, violet, part per'ate. 10 cents 5 Express, red, 10 cents 5 cent Playing Card, red perforate.

10 cents 5 cent Proprietary, 10 cents 6 cent Proprietary, orange, $5 10 cent Bill of Lading, blue, imperfo'te15 cents 10 cent Bill of Lading, blue, part per'tel5 cents 25 cent Bond, .50 cents 40 Inland Exchange, imperforate. 75 vente 50 cent Probate of Will, 70 cent Foreign cents 81 Life Insurance, 81 25 $1 Manifest, 10 81 Mortgage, full perforate 25 81 Passrge Ticket, imperforate $1 50 $1 30 Foreign Exchange, orange, im'ate83 81 90 Foreign Exchange, maroon 83 50 Inland Exchange, imperforate. $5 $5 Probate of Will. 87 $20 Probate of Will, Imperforate. $80 81 80 Blue and 81 50 $1 60 Blue and 82 5 cent Black and Green, proprietary.

15 cents 6 cent Black and Green, 10 cents 10 cent Black Green, $1 50 50 cent Black and Green, 88 $1 Black and Green, proprietary. 85 85 Black and Green, proprietary. $15 1 also wish to buy old canceled postage stamps and stamped envelopes of any and all denominations from 1840 to 1875, for which I will pay liberal prices. Address T. L.

GREEN, County Clerk, Mt. Olivet, Ky. NOTE--The above-named stamps can be found on Deeds, Mortgages, Notes, Receipts, Agreements, Bank Checks, from 1861 to 1875; also on Proprietary Medicines, Matches, The foregoing offer is genuine- in good faith, and will be carried out to the letter in every instance when I receive the stamps have mentioned in good order. Reference Mt. Olivet Deposit Bank or any official of Robertson county.

T. la GREEN, County Clerk..

The Public Ledger from Maysville, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.